Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Christmas Holiday Photo

Here is the correct Christmas Holiday photo! I knew I had a photo of the grand baby wearing a Santa hat. This is the picture I've been looking for. Here is our future Santa Claus trainee. This is Kira at Christmas 2007. This picture was taken during one of those marathon sessions of opening the presents. Traditionally we do this on Christmas Eve night at our house. All of the gifts are stacked under the tree and then distributed to each person who has presents. It always turns into a marathon session since there are so many people giving so many gifts to so many people. We have gone through several different attempts at downsizing, both in the number of gifts given and the size of each individual gift. We were running out of storage space under the tree and it just took too long to open all the gifts. We still have some room for improvement in the time issue. The problem of time elapsed for opening the presents is complicated by the tradition of each person opening one present at a time and the presents are opened in order beginning with the youngest and ending with the oldest. That means Kira goes first and I bring up the end. This whole process starts again and so goes the marathon gift opening until all gifts are opened. Then the marathon cleanup session begins. Oh well, so goes our Christmas holiday. We still enjoy it! I hope you enjoy the picture and this glimpse of one of our holiday traditions.

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