Saturday, June 28, 2008

Santa, I Believe

Santa Claus goes by numerous names in popular western culture. Some know this popular historical and legendary figure as Saint Nicholas or more simply as Saint Nick. For others he goes by the name of Kris Kringle. Some people refer to him as Father Christmas. Still more prefer to use the simplest title of Santa. Whichever name or title you prefer; he is the same bringer of gifts to all at the Christmas Holiday Season. Some traditions have him bringing the Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve while some have the traditional delivery of gifts on Christmas Day, December 25th. For a few the gift delivery day is December 6th, his feast day. December 6th is the date of the death of Saint Nicholas in 343. The early roots of the Santa Claus legend stems from the story of Saint Nicholas. I will return to cover the topic of Hagiography (the study of Saints) for Saint Nicholas in a future blog post.

Santa Claus is popularly depicted as a jolly, fat man wearing a red suit and hat with white fur trim and a black leather belt and boots. He lives at the North Pole and flies out around the world in a sleigh pulled by reindeer and delivering gifts to all of the world’s children and to all who are young at heart and Believe!

I Believe, Do You?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Who is this Guy?

. . .

Who is that with him on the beach?

Return soon for the answer to these and even more intriguing questions about this man!